First and foremost I want to take a glance back at the best year of my life, and reflect on the new beginning. Priorities shift, lives change, but it is all what you make out of it that counts. This past year was not just the best, but it was by far the busiest. Graduating college, working, running, starting graduate school, did I mention I got married?!?! It was the worst decision of my life and I would never advise it for anyone.
From April to August life revolved around work, grad school, and wedding planning. With not much time to spare running took a back seat. Graduation was thrown in there some where and an attempt at my first 50 miler off of very little training. Going out with some of the best guys in the country you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the result. I'll pull a line from one of the greatest basketball coach's of all time John Wooden "Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail." Failures can be some of life's greatest memories though. How can you not have fun limping/walking through an 8 mile loop reciting one liner's from Dumb & Dumber with Whitlock. The two of us that day could of made far better sequel to that movie. Throwing in the towel early my soon to be wife had to be wondering what she was thinking agreeing to marry me.
Going off a rope swing on the side of a steep cliff at midnight, seems crazy. Doing it with some of your best friends not knowing how safe it is just makes for an epic bachelors party. Releasing my grip on the rope out over the water, flying through the air twisting in wierd contorted positions I asked myself why am I doing this? Coming up out of the water in pain, I remembered...ohh yea I'm getting married tomorrow. Everything was perfect, life could not get any better. What more could a guy ask for camping out the night before his wedding?? Thunderstorms? NO!!!!
Racing back on four wheelers and a pick up truck in the rain through the numerous Iowa cornfields, I knew this would be a 24 hours I would be sure never to forget. After being cooped up with to many guys to count in a small living room, I could not wait for a shake out run before I gave my life away. The wedding was like a dream and went off without a hitch. Shoving cake in each others faces and dancing the night away with my wife, and friends! With our minister my best friend going nuts with a tie around his head, unforgettable is the only way I can describe this night. Surprisingly my wife and I managed to plan the whole thing by ourselves! Decorations, music, floral, the whole works! We could not believe we pulled it off and we will reminisce about it for years to come.
The honeymoon week was indescribable, being in the tropical paradise of Riviera Maya, Mexico. Snorkeling, zip lining, underwater river rafting, or just laying on a beach bed it could not get any better. All the food and drinks we could consume and no running to be done; let's just say we soaked in every moment. The time in Mexico was way to short but it was exciting to be back in the burg living in an apartment without any male odor or messes every where. A nice apartment, beautiful wife that loves to cook; I had nothing to complain about except maybe my job; But theAid Station quickly solved that problem. Thanks to Jeremy and Dr. Zealand less then a month later I was working in a running store which sure beat standing on concrete for 8hrs. folding clothes. This helped bring a rebirth to my running adventures.
My wife and I were loving life and enjoying every moment. Dragging her out to the mountains for some long runs she began to get the itch to do something crazy. Hence her 3rd place finish in her first ultra, Mountain Masochist! It might have been a rough choice for an opener but I think she is hooked. 2012 should be filled with ultra adventures in the Reed home! As for me, I gave JFK a shot and was satisfied with my 9th place finish but know I have more then a little room for improvement as training was sub par at best.
By this point your probably wondering why I said marriage was the worst decision of my life and I wouldn't advise it for anyone. Evidently when typing computers do not translate sarcasm very well. Handing my life way, is a horrible way to put it! My wife is my best friend and the best thing that has ever happened to me; and I can not wait to see what God has in store for us in 2012.
Now back into the full swing of things running again, I have big goals and aspirations for 2012. First on the list is simply to enjoy life to the fullest. With a wife who loves adventure and a best friend itching for more long trail experiences this year is sure to be memorable. With plans for races across the country running will make a return to a higher priority this year. I am stoked to get back in the mountains where I feel at home, where secluded camaraderie began.
Secluded Camaraderie
"Let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us."
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Terrapin 50k
5:30 A.M., 4 hours of sleep and a 50k staring in my face; all I could think was I’m stoked! I guess most people would call me crazy and I would agree but that is what makes these races exciting. I hadn’t been thinking about the race to much leading up to that morning but I was sure itching to go. Meeting Eric Grossman the night before and catching up with Frazier a little bit at check-in, I couldn’t wait for the gong to sound. I was anticipating a four person battle up front between Frazier, Grossman, Jeremy, and I but was not quite sure what kind of shape I was in. I knew it could be interesting with us newbies battling the experienced vets.
Planning on taking it easy up the first climb I hung back with the pack chatting it up with some of the guys expecting the first to be relatively easy. I am not going to lie, I was enjoying the conversations but I was bursting at the seams inside to just let loose and fly up the mountain. Remembering patience is a virtue I stuck it out and continued to stick with the plan. Near the top people starting dropping off quickly and when I glanced back I realized I had created a small gap with Grossman and Frazier following close behind. When I got to Camping Gap I knew this is where I wanted to open up and try to create some separation, so I blitzed by the first aid station and headed down the mountain.
To my surprise I learned quickly that Grossman was a really solid downhill runner! I figured this is where I could pull away and I kept trying to push just a little more without putting forth to much effort. I realized quickly that he wasn’t going away. Reading Grossman’s blog I am glad he got a laugh out of me glancing back a few times, because I definitely was trying to gage where he was and getting a little worried that he wasn't fading. Him being a team member of mine for theaidstation it was fun getting to know him and being able to race against each other for the first time. There is no question he has got speed and that was shocking to me for a man who is almost twice my age. I thought he would be better suited on the climbs or technical terrain. I even made comment to Dr. Z at the 3rd aid station laughing, saying "I can’t drop this guy!" I knew I was in for a battle but didn’t realize it was going to be my climbing ability that would help me distance myself. I am really coming to find out that it is one of my greatest strengths and it is good thing I enjoy it.
Taking the left hand turn after the 3rd aid station heading up the second climb I began to just settle in and prepare to run a smart race. I felt smooth and relaxed and tried to stay under control knowing I had a huge climb back up to Camping Gap coming up in just a few miles. Reaching the single track I glanced back to see my lead had grown quite a bit and I could barely see Grossman now as I headed up the first steep hill on the single track. The rest of the day I would be running scared, with the steep technical downhill of Terrapin Mountain looming. I knew I would need a gap because that is definitely not my strong suite to say the least.
Taking the left hand turn after the 3rd aid station heading up the second climb I began to just settle in and prepare to run a smart race. I felt smooth and relaxed and tried to stay under control knowing I had a huge climb back up to Camping Gap coming up in just a few miles. Reaching the single track I glanced back to see my lead had grown quite a bit and I could barely see Grossman now as I headed up the first steep hill on the single track. The rest of the day I would be running scared, with the steep technical downhill of Terrapin Mountain looming. I knew I would need a gap because that is definitely not my strong suite to say the least.
The climb back up to Camping Gap felt amazing, everything clicked and I just enjoyed the seclusion of the mountain. The feeling you get from a long hard climb with the endorphins flowing and the determination and drive to get to the top is something I don’t think I’ll ever stop enjoying. It was one of my favorite climbs I've done. It is just the perfect steepness to challenge you but at the same time completely run able. It reminded me a lot of tobacco road a run I use to do some when I ran for Liberty.
Passing by Camping Gap with the Whore Loop just ahead I was feeling great! I was still running scared not knowing how far back anyone was but my mind began to flip gears to the enjoyment and beauty of the race. Other things began to creep in my head and the race was just starting to fly by. I found myself singing the worship song “I will bring praise” over and over again in my head, and embracing the opportunity and the ability to do what I do. It really is at times like these secluded in the mountains driving myself to dig deeper that I find myself closest to Him. Reflecting on life and struggles I almost feel as if I am fighting against the sin that seperates us from Him and then just like the song, I realize “God is my victory and He is here.” It brings about a peace and realization that fighting does nothing if we’re not trusting and following the right source, for He has conquered all.
By the time I got up to the top of the loop to the first punch, I was starting to feel the effects of all the continuous climbing but I still had a pretty good energy level. I let loose on the downhill heading back towards camping gap and tried to remind myself that I would get a short break from running, hiking up Terrapin Mountain (I don’t care what anyone says it is not run able!!!). Passing by the Camping Gap aid station again, I was prepared knowing the mountain was just ahead
Reaching their having taking my first gel that had caffeine I was feeling a bit weird. I was worried trying to figure out if I was crashing or if it was something else. My legs still felt good and my energy level was fine but I almost felt like my head was floating. Come to find out after the rest I am not suppose to have caffeine with the medicine I am on for Vagol Syncope. Unfortunately for me the only gels I had left had caffeine in them so I was going to just have to chance it. The climb up Terrapin even though it is a hike was definitely to me the hardest part of the race. My breathing increased dramatically and my legs began to feel it pretty heavily. I was excited to reach the summit even though I knew my least favorite part was coming up…Fat Man’s Misery and the rock garden on the descent! Surprisingly the descent didn’t seem to steep and I was able to get through Fat Man’s Misery pretty quickly other than forgetting to use the punch and having to turn around. (I think I added a 1/4 mile, it might have been the difference between sub 4 hrs.) Flying down the steep descent I held my breath that I wouldn't take a tumble or roll an ankle. At the rock garden I slowed up and took it extremely easy. I figured no reason to ruin anything here, might as well put safety first because I knew I had a lot left in the tank.
Coming in to the last aid station it was great to see my girl and finally shed my hat and gloves. I can’t say enough for all the support I get from her, theaidstation, family, and the ultra community in general. This is what makes the sport so special. Turning back and running up to the single track was the first time I really thought that I am going to win this thing. I glanced at my watch but wasn’t really sure what the time meant or even how far it was to the finish so I had no idea what kind of time I was heading for. I felt good but I was still paranoid about bonking after watching Kalib really eat it the last couple miles at Holiday Lake, so I stayed cautious and just kept a steady pace. The run along the ridge was gorgeous and I just took time to take in the beauty of the lush green valleys below. Rounding a corner I could hear Reed Creek in the distance and knew it wasn’t far now to the finish. I still was feeling weird and my head was a bit loopy from the caffeine but I knew I was going to hold it together for a solid race.
Beginning the descent down the trail to Reed Creek Rd. I began to think I didn’t want the race to end! Coming onto the gravel road I didn’t want to see that mile to go sign but at the same time I thought to myself I got a lot left, let’s see what I can do. I glanced at my watch as I passed the sign 3:57:26, and thought I feel really good is a sub 5 possible?...I was really trying to push that last ½ mile and began to feel a bit loopy from all the caffeine but sucking it up I kept truckin on. Coming down the stretch I knew I was going to be short but was still pleased about the final time, as I stopped my watch at 4:02:53 unofficially. I was definitely surprised at what I was able to do and can’t wait to see what I am capable of with more training and throwing in some workouts.
The post race was great to hang out and chat with a lot of the people of the ultra community and really getting to know them more. I just want to say thanks to theaidstation for all the support! Jeremy, and Dr. Z for all the advice, I definitely could not of ran near as fast without your help…all the Aid Station workers for volunteering, and keeping the race running smoothly. Friends and family for all the support, and training partner Kalib Wilkinson for pushing me along! Can’t wait for PL, and another shot at Dr. Z’s record!
Fight Club
At 4 a.m. I surprisingly woke up ready to go and actually excited to see what I was getting myself into. I had been graciously extended an invite from Jeremy earlier in the week to tag along on what people called the CRA. I was intrigued to say the least with the little Jeremy had talked about it. It was just enough to keep interested but not too intimidated. CRA is an interesting event, I learned from everyone who participates in the CRA that their actually is no CRA. It’s kind of like fight club in more ways than one.
I had heard it was just going to be a pretty chill training run that was brutal if that makes sense at all. It started out as just that. The pace was nice and easy and it was fun meeting some new people in the ultra community. I chatted with Adam Cassidy for the first mile which I have to give a shout out and thanks too for the article on Holiday Lake, and also just want to say good luck on the AT trail adventure.
I had heard it was just going to be a pretty chill training run that was brutal if that makes sense at all. It started out as just that. The pace was nice and easy and it was fun meeting some new people in the ultra community. I chatted with Adam Cassidy for the first mile which I have to give a shout out and thanks too for the article on Holiday Lake, and also just want to say good luck on the AT trail adventure.
The Start:
There was a group of 5-6 guys until about half way up the first big climb at dragons tooth and then it started to split up a little on the technical section, especially on the downhill. AKA I got dropped hard. I am not very good at technical downhill, so it was not very long before they lost me. It wouldn’t have been a big deal and I probably would have just taken it easy but I had no clue where I was going and I didn’t have a map! Once the technical part cleared up I had to really dig and scrounge up some old track speed in my legs to catch up. By the time we reached the first aid station I had finally reeled them back in. I quickly took down a couple pieces of PB&J and rolled on towards North Mountain.
North Mountain:
Feeling as if I had to run in all out 3k to catch up I was looking for a little recovery. There wasn’t going to be any sort of recovery for the next few miles as we began to climb North Mountain, although the pace was very methodical so I did get to relax a bit. It felt good to climb for awhile after that long descent. Up on top of the mountain the weather seemed to change drastically with temps dropping while we were getting sprayed with a light mist. Fog crept over the whole mountain and the breeze began to pick up. Lucky for me I wasn’t sure how long we were going to be up on the ridge. I say that because I know if someone told me it was going to be 7+miles I might have said the heck with it! I was pretty chilly running in just half tights, a shirt, and some moeben arm sleeves.
Up on top of the ridge the trail seemed to roll on forever. I had to take a pit stop at one point along the ridge but it was quick and my stomach did not seem too upset so I wasn’t worried about a replay of Holiday Lake. Frazier picked it up a bit on the ridge and I tagged along but at a trail intersection we had to stop and wait for a few minutes because we couldn’t figure out which direction to head. Eventually Neal and Jeremy caught up and after some deliberation between the four of us, Jeremy directed us down a long descent to the next aid station.
Tinker Cliffs and MacAfee’s Knob:
(How far is it?)
Frazier was in and out quickly and off to Tinker Cliffs. I could tell Neal and Jeremy were just out for a good time and were just taking it real easy so I decided to rush ahead to catch up to Frazier. I caught up to him by the time we started the first climb and we began to slowly grind are way up Tinker Cliffs. We walked quite a bit of the steep climbs inching our way toward the summit. Because of the nasty weather there would be no beautiful views today, but I was enjoying the company of Frazier and the random conversations about life.
I am not even sure where Tinker Cliffs ended and the climb to MacAfee’s Knob began due to the fog making it very hard to even catch a glimpse of where you were. Heading up MacAfee’s I decided to pick it up a little bit. I was taking a chance not knowing the way but Frazier said if I just stayed on the trail it would take me straight to the next aid station. Reaching the summit I continued to press on deciding it was not even worth taking a glimpse at the lookout not being able to see more than 50 feet in front of me. The descent off the Knob was steep and a little technical. There were signs posted claiming it was 3.4 miles to RT.311…this was the longest 3.4 miles of my life. Somehow those 3.4 miles took me over 35+ minutes at a sub 6 min. avg. per mile. That adds up right? I agree with Jeremy, Horton had to measure this section!
With it being my first time doing the CRA I was starting to wonder if I took a wrong turn. I reached for my bottle of gel and realized it was gone! Somewhere down the descent off MacAfee’s Knob it must have slipped out of my pack. I was hoping the road was soon because I was starving and knew my energy level would be crashing quickly if I didn’t get something in me soon. Luckily I got a tip from a hiker that 311 was only about a ½ mile up the trail. I was relieved to find out that I was still on course and wasn’t going be lost out there for hours!
The Roundabout:
Reaching the last aid station I took my time taking in as much food as possible before heading out towards the finish. I was grabbing anything from Pringles to oatmeal cream pies, knowing without any gels left I would need to up my energy store. Frazier made it in just a couple minutes behind me with Jeremy and Neal descending right on his heels. I decided after eating for a few minutes to stuff a few cookies in my pack and head out towards the finish, hoping I wouldn’t get lost.
Unfortunately about a mile later I did take a wrong turn. Lucky for me it was less than a mile loop and I popped out right behind Frazier at a place I had just came from. If the CRA was a real race I might have been a bit upset but I just chuckled to myself and began to stride on up next to Frazier. I decided at that point only being a few miles from the finish it would probably be better to just stick with him and ensure I actually make it there! Descending off the mountain with a road in sight I knew we had to be getting close to the finish.
Running of the Bulls:
We reached a field crossing coming out of the woods and began to run towards a herd of cattle that were right in the middle of the trail. Trying to make some commotion to get them to stir a little, I was startled to see there were quite a few bulls in the herd. Frazier didn’t seem to care too much charging ahead making some noise and swinging his arms as if to shoo them off. I am not going to lie I was a little hesitant to do the same so I just stayed right behind and hoped for the best. Luckily the bulls weren’t feeling to frisky and let us pass on by. Coming out on the road with less than a ½ mile on up to the finish, we began to pick it up and stride it in up the road. I was still feeling great and I knew I had finally got the nutrition side of the race right. I was shocked to see 6:43 on my watch when we finished. To be honest I was surprised we even broke 7 hours.
Reflection of the first fight:
Hanging around after reminiscing about the run, I was greatly appreciative to be a part of it. I can’t wait to do this again when the spectacular views will actually be visible. That was the only disappointment of the run today. Jeremy and I hung out for awhile bouncing back and forth between the car and socializing in the rain, trying not to freeze waiting on Micah to finish up. We decided to head out early instead of hanging around in the rain when Micah finished up. It would have been great to hang around and chat some while people finished up, but the weather was putting a damper on plans.
Reflecting on the first experience of the CRA, it was to say the least one of my favorite runs of my life. Surprisingly I was not to sore afterwards and was able to resume training the very next day. Not to say I didn’t have some minor aches and pains, but all in all I felt pretty good. It was great meeting guys like Neal and Frazier and I look forward to racing with them sometime in the future; and as always it is always good to get out for a training run with my teammate Jeremy (thanks for the invite). Thanks to all who make this event happen, I can’t wait for next year.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Holiday Lake
Wow, morning comes early the morning of an ultra especially after a Jeremy Camp concert the night before. I woke up around 4:15 with my stuff ready to go and all laid out from last night I quickly grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast before heading out at 4:30 with Kalib and our ride my girlfriend and her sister. Kalib and I the whole way there were talking about how crazy it is to get up this early to run a 50k....(another reason there might not be race day registration, I think everyone would back out and back to sleep!) I don't want to say we were regretting it because we still stoked to do our first ultra together. Downing a mug of coffee on the ride that I wonder now if it may have caused some of my stomach trouble in the race we quickly arrived at the lake.
It was a chilly morning, crazy bathroom lines, and just the other normal pre race chaos before an ultra. Kalib and I had talked a lot about strategy and we were debating on taking a water bottle or not. I decide I would not go without it this time as it proved crucial in Promise Land last year. Kalib decided against it and I am pretty sure his lack of fluid intake cost him the race this year. Heading out to the start I was freezing having tried not to over dress I just wanted the race to start as quick as possible. I felt like me and Kalib were as ready as we could be that morning considering we were only in our first month of training since having taking some real down time over winter break.
The race kicked off and it got going pretty quickly up the road to the first trail. Matt Woods was the only one with a flash light out of the 5 of us who ran the first 5-6 miles together so we relied on him for the first 10-15 minutes before the sun came up. I was feeling good and wanted the race to be honest and consistent so I tried to keep the pace moving steady through the early miles. At one point Kalib, Jordan, and I had put a decent gap on Matt and Nick and I wasn't sure if he was going to try and run with us or not. But if my memory is right it wasn't long after the second aid station Matt went surging by and Kalib went with him. Kalib and I said before the race we would run as fast as we had to and if someone else pushed it we would follow, but my stomach was turning from downing my first gel so I decided to hold back a little and wait. Luckily I had Whitlock who was committing suicide to run with for awhile until my stomach settled down. (No knock on you Whitlock, I love the way you race and your competitiveness)
By the third aid station I had made back up most of the ground and began to take another gel. I quickly caught back up to them on the single track and the pace became rather moderate it was good to be back in the race. I was feeling good other then my stomach being a little upset. About a half mile before the bridge crossing my stomach really started rolling an I had to make a pit stop...rushing to try and catch back up I wiped out on a turn going too fast and my knees landed on a rock. I was a little stunned and worried but luckily it was just a little blood and some minor bruising that didn't affect me too much.Seeing Kalib fly out of the turnaround leading Matt I could tell he was feeling good and I was going to have my work cut out for me trying to catch up. My water bottle had frozen so I tossed it to the side at the turn around and just used the aid stations from there on. I decided to try for a citrus gel instead of the strawberry ones I had been taking down and let me tell you that was not a good choice for me! I couldn't get those down very well without them coming right back up. Pushing my way through the second loop feeling pretty except my stomach it seemed as if the gap was staying the same through the next aid station according to what people were telling me. The next pit stop after aid station 5 proved to be the one that put me out of the race. My stomach was rolling so it took me a little while to get rolling again. By aid station number 6 I thought I pretty much was racing for third.
The gap had extended to what I heard was about 5-6 minutes to Kalib and about 3-4 to Matt. I knew there wasn't much of chance to catch them so I didn't want to push that much and risk any chance of blowing up, plus I was struggling trying to get another citrus gel down. I cruised in to the last aid station and got some encourage from now my new teammate and co-worker Jeremy Ramsey, who told me to keep pushing you never know what could happen to those two up front. Shedding my hat and gloves and opting for some solid food cookies and M&M's over gels I took off with a handful of both. To my surprise my stomach settled right down and I was feeling great, cruising along now trying to take in what had become a beautiful morning.
And then it started to hit me, this is why I want to do Ultra''s not for accomplishment or the competition; it's for the feeling, the beauty, and the peace. "The peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" as Paul says in Philippians 4:7. This is when Paul is pleading with the churches of Euodia, and Syntyche to rejoice always and with prayer and petition let your request be known to God. That was the true joy in that race as I look back on it now.
A mile or 2 later to my surprise I see Jeremy walking down the trail and he yells to me that Kalib is right up ahead and he wasn't looking good. I wasn't sure if I should be happy I could get second or disappointed Kalib wasn't going to win. I didn't have much time to think about because before I knew it I was right beside him trying to encourage him to run in with me, but I’m not sure you could consider his mumbling words a response or just deliriousness. I encouraged him for a few hundred yards and then decided to kick it in to the finish. Coming down to the finish I almost didn't want it to be over, if it was a 50 mile race I think I would of enjoyed the next 15 even more, not to say I wasn't tired!
Seeing Kalib come in a minute or two later staggering towards the finish made me realize 25-30 mile hard training runs are different then 32! After 30 Kalib found out you need a lot more fluid intake but I am sure that he will learn from it and come back stronger than ever. As for me I learned I have to practice eating and figure out what works for me. I have to give credit to Matt Wood's though, that was an impressive finish and he ran a lot faster than we expected we would have to run to win. I can't wait to race him again at North Face and hopefully this time my stomach will cooperate a little should be a good one!
Thanks for all the support:
My girl Dacia, Chelsea, Kalib, now my new teammate Jeremy, and the Dr.'s Z and Horton!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Upcoming Holiday Lake
This weekend I will be taking a stab at my second ultra marathon. The first one was brutal but most would say it was a success, as I was able to start out my ultra career with a win. Luckily this one is suppose to be way easier then the Promis Land 50k was. Kalib Wilkinson and I went out to preview the course last weekend and to our suprise it was just as everyone said relatively flat. We had been holding our breath because flat to most ultra marathon runners is not exactly what the common person would percieve as flat. Although it was a bit muddy the trail were in good shape and there was even a decent amount of the course on dirt roads and jeap trails.
The run ended up being 2 hours and 25 minutes, we estimated approximately 22+ miles. We got a little confused and ended up running off the course loop a little and added about a mile to the two loop course. There are going to be some hills in the first 4 miles and last 4 to contend with but other then that you can run the whole course at a pretty good clip. It was cool misty morning, perfect for a long run. We took it easy for the first few miles and the run was pretty modest all together. We really enjoyed the course, and talked alot about the perks of ultra running. The beauty that you get to intake, you end up running in places that most people will never see or would be able to get to except by running. The ultra community and enviroment is so fun and relaxed. Its always an enjoyable enviroment to be in, which is crazy to think since you are about to put you body through torture. Almost everyone who partakes does it for the love of running which makes it so much more enjoyable.
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Lots of training w/ this guy not enough racing! |
Running along the backside of the CTT trail it just came to me how blessed we are to have the ability we do to run. It felt so freeing and thinking back to injuries, struggles, and very other trials I have come through I realized I don't want to take this for granted. I want to make sure I am doing it for the right reasons and my mind isn't on the monetary benefit or anything prideful but my focus is simply on enjoyment and glorifying Him. John Piper wrote an amazing book that has deeply impacted my life and one of his great quotes I love is "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever". I can't think of a better way to glorify and enjoy him then in an ultra marathon intake his beautiful creation and embracing his power and strength working through us as we use our bodies as a living sacrifice pressing, as Paul says running in such a way as to recieve the prize. The incredible thing about running is there is always a prize for everyone in all ability levels to run for, there is always that new PR to set, that new distance to conquer, and for some it might be to litterally win the race. But the beauty is since we are all running for a purpose and a goal it brings us together and unites us to encourage one another, which is what I love most about ultra running. The community is what makes the sport and I can't wait be apart of that experience again this saturday morning!
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